South Bank Colleges (SBC) Careers Programme sets out the college’s career development offer in line with the governments Careers strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents and the statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff for Careers provision: Careers guidance: Guide for colleges which encompasses the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Career Guidance.
About Us
SBC is a Further Education college situated across the Borough of Lambeth in South London. It consists of two Colleges: Lambeth College and London South Bank Technical College (LSBTC). Teaching and learning are delivered across three sites located in Clapham and Brixton (Lambeth College) and Nine Elms (LSBTC).
Just over 40% of the college’s students are resident in Lambeth, with around 30% resident in surrounding London boroughs. There are approximately 10,000 students at the college on full-time and part-time courses.
South Bank Colleges is part of London South Bank University Group which creates a unique partnership providing a wide range of opportunities for SBC students including a highly achievable route into a graduate career.
LSBTC delivers specialist teaching across key STEAM areas; Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths (IT and Computing). Lambeth College offers Entry 1 to Level 3 Essential Skills and vocational training programmes covering Accounting, Business, Counselling, Early Years, English and Maths, ESOL, Hair and Beauty, Hospitality and Catering, Performing Arts and Sport.
Aims of Career Education, Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at South Bank Colleges (SBC)
SBC’s new flagship college – London South Bank Technical college (LSBTC) delivers technology-based education in a stimulating, innovative, industry-led work environment. The important role played by employers and major business will ensure students benefit from latest insights with access to employer-led networks.
Lambeth College (is this more for Lambeth College, what about ambitions of LSBTC and role of employers /business in creating future workforce of tomorrow?) will continue to be a major community provider and deliver a much-needed service to disadvantaged people coming from parts of the borough or surrounding boroughs that suffer from significant unemployment. The rising number of people for whom English is not their first language and the significant number of young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEETS) demonstrates the continuing need for the career development service delivered by South Bank Colleges.
Supporting students to achieve their goals is at the centre of SBC’s ethos of putting students first and has developed a Career Programme and standards model aligned to the following strategic objectives:
- Helping students make informed career decisions by providing impartial, independent, accurate, up to date and relevant CEIAG together with opportunities to explore the world of work and higher education environments.
- Unlocking the talent of every student, through guidance and support – to raise aspirations and realise dreams.
- Proactively supporting student success by reinforcing a culture of recognition, reward and ambitious targets and consistently encouraging students to focus on continuous self-improvement.
- Enabling students to understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them including vocational and academic routes.
- Motivating students to achieve their educational and occupational goals through meaningful interactions with a range of relevant stakeholders including employers, apprenticeships providers and university staff (lecturers, admission officers, outreach staff and current university students)
- Demonstrating the relevance and practical application of the knowledge and skills learnt on college courses.
- Developing the ‘Skills for Career Success’ as identified by the Career Ready Programme(?), the national social mobility charity which collaborates with employers and volunteers to support young people across the UK. The ‘Skills for Career Success’ are the skills that employers consider essential to enter the job market and be able to progress within it.
- Providing the opportunity to acquire up to date LMI information and intelligence from key stakeholders such as employers and universities.
- Demonstrating the connection between personal and professional development.
- Demonstrating the importance of English and Maths as basic skills to be competitive in the job market.
- Developing the right learning environment – clear expectations, high standards and boundaries for young people in modern stimulating and inspiring settings.
Shaping a highly motivated and skilled workforce.
Career Development services on offer to students
The Career Development service sits within Employer Engagement and is managed by the Employer Engagement Manager and overseen by the Careers Leader, Director of Student Engagement and Wellbeing. SBC’s CEIAG service was rated as good in the latest Ofsted Inspection report – “All learners at the college can attend individual appointments with a qualified careers adviser to learn about their possible next steps in education and employment. Teachers also provide learners with subject specific advice and learners benefit from access to a range of careers development events.”
The Career service is Matrix accredited and impartial personal guidance is delivered by a Career Development Coordinator who holds a Level 6 Diploma in Career Development and Guidance and. The Career Coordinator is a CDI (Career Development Institute) member and Registered Career Development Professional. This means she has achieved at least a QCF level 6 qualification and has committed to uphold the CDI Code of Ethics and to completing 25 hours of CPD a year.
Students are supported through a wide range of CEIAG interventions and have access to the following career related initiatives:
- South Bank Colleges Annual HE fair which takes place every year in October and hosts an average of 30 universities. Students are prepared before the event and are encouraged to reflect on what questions to ask and carry relevant research prior to the fair.
- One to one and group CEIAG sessions available from Monday to Friday.
- Weekly Learner Development Coach tutorials focus on the development of skills for career success and progression options including university and apprenticeships.
- HE sessions delivered by partner universities, Career Coordinator and Learner and Development Coaches. Topics include Why going to university; How to apply through UCAS; Personal Statement; Student Finance; How to reply to offers, Extra and Clearing; University life and how to make a successful transition; University support services to promote achievement and retention; and Study Skills. Students attending L2 and L3 courses are targeted before they reach their final year to ensure that they start researching their progression options early on in their learning journey.
- Personal Statement surgeries available on a weekly basis from October to January delivered by the Career Coordinator and partner universities.
- Apprenticeship Seminars, including Higher and Degree Apprenticeships.
- Internal Apprenticeships opportunities through the Employer Engagement service.
- Workplace and University visits to open days, taster sessions, external HE fairs e.g., UK University & Apprenticeship Search Fair.
- Weekly Career Development news and updates, key dates and deadlines related to UCAS applications, apprenticeships, school leaver opportunities, information on bursaries and career-related competitions. These are communicated through social media, digital career channels, plasma screens and tutorials.
- Career Ready Internship programme which is targeted to Level 3 Year 1 students who can benefit from four main activities: a mentoring programme, a masterclass series on employability topics, workplace visits and a 6-week paid summer internship at prestigious curriculum subject related companies. Students also can attend networking events and celebrate their success at the final Career Ready graduation event. The programme is well structured and provides students, mentors and employers with clear principles, guidelines, and career material to reflect on.
- Southbank Colleges Ambassador Programme which provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable customer service experience, positively represent the college and be recognised as role models.
- Ernst & Young ‘Our Future’ programme which gives students the opportunity to gain a Chartered Management Institute Level 2 Management qualification, two-week paid work experience in a variety of roles, 1–1 support from a careers mentor throughout the programme and networking events.
- Targeted career development support for lone parents delivered in collaboration with the College nursery through the organisation of a Parents Motivational Conference and follow up career appointments. The event includes a transformational Transferable Skills and Visioning session which uses creative team building, mini-interviews in a speed-dating format and a clear focus on resilience.
- Careers talks and employability masterclasses throughout the academic year and specifically for International Women’s Day, Black History and LGBT month. Speakers are sourced through the college support network, Inspiring the Future, Speakers for School, and the college LEAN (London Enterprise Advisers Network).
- STEAM week activities aimed at raising awareness of the importance of STEAM subjects, related career opportunities, benefits, and positive impact of STEAM careers.
- Use of the Career library including universities prospectuses and guides
Employers Links
Our Work Experience programmes are led by the Employer Engagement Manager and overseen by the Director of Student Engagement and Wellbeing. This area provides a portfolio of enrichment activities, designed to enable students to boost their employability skills and network:
- Work Experience as defined by the Study Programme priorities.
- Pop Up shop to facilitate young entrepreneurs with a space where they can market and sell their products and ideas.
- Visiting speakers from a variety of employers from numerous occupational areas addressing students directly.
- A defined Employer Engagement structure attached to all curriculum areas
As part of this structure, South Bank Colleges has participated in Career Cluster events, partnered with Lambeth Council and London South Bank University.
University Partnerships
External partners including universities allow South Bank Colleges to add value to their career development and progression services. This is reflected in improved access and awareness, responsiveness and integration, enhanced learner satisfaction and improved outcomes. At South Bank Colleges we regularly review and evaluate partnerships to understand whether our university network is effective in meeting the needs of students and key stakeholders. One general criteria of evaluation would be judging the contribution partners make to students lives and careers.
South Bank Colleges and LSBU have a unique partnership, and this provides a highly achievable route into a graduate career. South Bank Colleges provides University Access courses which offer a supported path to higher and provide students with priority access and reduced entry tariffs to LSBU courses.
Thanks to this new partnership our students have priority access to:
- An enhanced HE progression programme that includes personal statement support and informational sessions aimed at facilitating the transition from FE to HE
- Guaranteed places at subject experience days – these days are run by academic departments and will feature multiple subjects
- Guest lectures for many of the subject areas taught at both Access and BTEC level
SBC’s has also strong links with a wide range of Higher Education institutions. Partnership work is well developed and ensures the SBC’s Career Service is influencing direction for the benefit of students. Strong relationships with universities and other external agencies ensure students have a full understanding of the higher education options available to them including university, higher and degree apprenticeships and school leaver programmes.
We currently have relationships with the following HE institutions.
- London South Bank University
- Birkbeck University of London
- St Mary’s University
- Brunel University
- Brighton
- Buckinghamshire New University
- City University London
- University of the Creative Arts -Fashion & Textiles
- Fashion Retail Academy
- Goldsmiths University of London
- University of Kent
- King’s College University of London
- Kingston University
- Anglia Ruskin University
- London Metropolitan University
- Middlesex University
- Ravensbourne
- University of Roehampton
- University of Sussex
- University of West London
- University of Westminster
- University of Hertfordshire
- St George’s, University of London
Equality and Diversity
Equal access to the career provision is ensured for all students who are encouraged to align career choices to their interests, strengths, and skills. Our service is designed and delivered to challenge a wide range of stereotypes, and this is achieved through high quality guidance and enrichment activities including a programme of guest speakers and weekly tutorials. Students with SEN will be supported by a coordinated care plan to set goals and provide direction. E&D informs several employability programmes, such us Career Ready and Our Future which encourage widening participation values and challenge stereotypes.
CEIAG Roles and Responsibilities
- Careers Leader – Director of Student Engagement and Well Being
The Career Leader leads the college careers activity and is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the college career programme so that SBC’s consistently meets the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. - Head of Student Development
The Head of Learner Development manages the Careers Development Coordinator and the tutorial provision which supports the delivery of the employability training aspects of the Gatsby Benchmarks. - Careers and Progression Coordinator
The Careers Development Coordinator coordinates and delivers the Career Development service presented above. - Learning Development Coaches
LDCs are responsible for the delivery of the tutorial programme which incorporates career development and employability themes. - Employer Engagement Team
The Employers Engagement Team is responsible for the Work Experience programme and Career Development service. - Faculty Directors, Curriculum Managers and Teaching staff
Faculty Directors, Curriculum managers and teachers integrate careers into the curriculum, provide industry links and engage with Careers and Employer Engagement Team.
- Careers Leader – Director of Student Engagement and Well Being
Monitoring and Evaluation
Key CEIAG staff meets on a regular basis to develop, monitor, and evaluate CEIAG across college. The quality of the Career Development service is determined through the Matrix assessment process, Compass Assessment tool for the Gatsby Benchmarks, our Quality Assurance processes including self-assessment reports, professional observation, feedback, course reps, focus groups, surveys, Student Union and other Learner Voice and Talkback mechanisms.